I receive HTTP error 405 - why?
Created 2001-07-10 by Rainer
When trying to run PasswordManager on NT Server with IIS I'm getting the following message
HTTP Error 405
405 Method Not Allowed
The method specified in the Request Line is not allowed for the resource identified by the request. Please ensure that you have the proper MIME type set up for the resource you are requesting.
Please contact the server's administrator if this problem persists.
Any ideas how to resolve this?
Answer from Adiscon:
is a high performance ISAPI DLL. As such, it is an executable from the web servers
point of view. By default, there are no execute rights granted to
any web component. This must be made manually.
Please don't mistake the NTFS execute permission with the web execute
permission. While the NTFS right is needed (and turned on by default),
the IIS right is set in the Internet service manager (or correspondig MMC under
Windows 2000). This setting is found on the "Home Directory" or "Virtual
Directory" property page. Please look at the "Execute Permisions" setting. By
default, it is set to "Scripts only". For PasswordManager to work, it needs to
be set to "Scripts and Executables".
Here is a sample screenshot from IIS manager. Please note the red
encircled area:
